The Basics

In your driveway maintenance toolbox, you’ll want sawdust or kitty litter; these are an excellent absorbent and can help clear away oil spills. 

The next thing you’ll need is a quality scrub brush, washing powder and dishwashing detergent to help clean away some stubborn stains.

Then you’ll need a gallon-sized bucket, a hosepipe and an outdoor broom for some general driveway maintenance.

If you do have to use a shovel, then a plastic shovel is best for uneven surfaces to reduce the chance of damaging your driveway. Either push snow aside and shovel that off or remove snow a few inches at a time while working your way earthward.

You’re also going to want to protect the edges of your driveway. These edges can chip under excessive weight, so try and keep your car away from the edges and that construction vehicles never park there during house remodelling projects. 



Sweeping your drive can help clear away loose debris, like small stones, soil, grass and tree leaves. 

For the best results, sweep your drive every month with a stiff-bristled brush.

If the leaves are starting to build up, try to rake them away first, then sweep the entire driveway.

If leaves are left too long, they can decompose and leave a stain on the surface of your driveway.


Getting rid of unwanted plants and plant stains

If you notice a brown stain after you finish sweeping, you can use a solution of washing powder and a bucket of hot water and then scrub off the stain with a stiff brush. Use the hose pipe, rinse the driveway and wash away the dirt. 

Remove unwanted plants using a solution of 2 cups of vinegar and ½ tablespoon of dishwashing detergent.

But watch out; vinegar is highly acidic and could get rid of plants you want to keep.


Removing Oil

Use non-clumping kitty litter or sawdust; kitty litter/sawdust is excellent at absorbing oil. 

Then you need to follow it up with dishwashing detergent and warm water. If the stain still doesn’t disappear, then you may need to follow up with a grease-cutting biodegradable cleaner.

Cleaning paint spills

Paint can leave unattractive patches that can be difficult to remove.

If you spill oil-based paint, you need a paint stripping solution, scrub it off with a stiff brush, and then let it sit for a little while before rinsing it with clean water. Only use paint stripping solutions on concrete driveways; however, it can damage the surface if used on asphalt.

When dealing with Latex paints, apply a rag soaked with acetone or a commercial paint stripper to the spot for about 20 minutes, then take the rag off and scrub the area with warm, soapy water.


Sealing Cracks

Cracks hold up soil that supports the growth of weeds in your driveway. Seal cracks as soon as they appear to make sure you’re not paying more in the future.

Use a masonry chisel to remove loose materials and brush out the debris before applying a crack filler and patching compound.

After the compound dries, seal the entire driveway, ensuring the driveway is smooth and level may also help reduce tripping accidents.

Sealing the concrete annually and sealing asphalt every few years prevents water from penetrating, freezing and cracking.